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NI Session Guitarist Strummed Acoustic 2 (Kontakt) Serial Key Keygen

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NI Session Guitarist Strummed Acoustic 2 (Kontakt) Serial Key Keygen

this version has a dozen acoustics strings. the idea is to get you a whole strumming live sound, just like you do with real acoustic guitar. of course, the only thing we can't simulate is the resonant nature of real acoustic guitar, so its just as important that we get that right. the strings look good too, and can be played freely over the keyboard, which is the only drawback, apart from the price, of course. this instrument sounds cool. check it out. its not perfect by any means, but it's quite a good substitute for an acoustic guitar. its not the end of the world, but its definitely not a sinless product either. if you want just a strummed acoustic for a song, this is the best you can get. (i play this track with the drums totally overdubbed. its just too melodic for the drums. i guess you could argue that)

a commercial appeal for this instrument, from the makers of all other instruments made with ni's software, is obviously price. it is a third of the price of one of these products, for example, the strummed acoustic four voices collection (for kontakt or sfz users). to me, it seems a bit silly to give you a 12-string instrument at a third the price, but that's how the price wars go, i suppose. let's try to put a positive spin on that one. it seems to me that it is very clever marketing to make these instruments actually rock, which is obviously a lot of fun and impressive, but its not what a huge percentage of musicians are looking for.

strummed acoustic is a virtual instrument for the kontakt 5 platform. it is a large and over-engineered instrument, but that doesn't mean it is only for experts. in fact, i had many hours of fun with it, playing chords, strums, double strums, open strings, slap-mutes, fretless playing. i could even play a bit with a high-frequency-pedal. i dare say i can't play a worse guitar than i do now, but, wow, what i wouldn't give to have one now! it is a very fun and versatile instrument, even for beginners. i've been using the electric strumming version since 2008, and i am very happy with that. 3d9ccd7d82


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